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丛培欣: 关于人类越来越频发恶性传染病根本原因的探讨 ——《相反论》后记 :“SARS 与 船论”




   “人类离微生物越远,就离灭亡越近──人们自觉不自觉地离微生物越来越远,因此人类不靠 科学技术,而靠自身的免疫系统来单独地战胜对人类有害的微生物的能力却越来越丧失。”(问题四 )

   “鉴于这些发明对人类曾做成如此巨大的贡献,我们本来不忍作如下的比喻,但遗憾的这是客观存在的事实:如果把抗菌素的发明对人类免疫系统的弱化的影响比喻为瀑布的落差;就可以把显微镜的发明比喻为降低一个大台阶;那麽还可以把冰柜的发明比喻为降低一个小台阶。因为,冰柜的发明使人类的食物中的微生物繁殖大减,使人类在食物方面接触细菌的机会大为减少。”(问题九 )

  “ 如果到一天,人类的免疫系统终于崩溃,人类在等待灭亡,这时我们回想起来,分析免疫系统这艘巨轮的沉没的原因,将会证明如下的结论:如果抗菌素的使用是压沉免疫系统的一块巨石;那麽,火的使用,显微镜的使用,消毒剂的使用都是压沉它的一块又一块的石头。这艘巨轮沉没的历史就是人类离开微生物越来越远的历史。

    不要因为抗菌素的发明,火的使用,显微镜的发明是多麽的伟大,而就不承认上面的看来是残酷的真理,要看到这些发明的副作用——人类由于远离微生物而使免疫系统出现不可避免的退化,本文称它为惰性退化。它区别于单指免疫系统赖药性退化,这种退化的原因比赖药性退化的原因更广泛,不仅由于使用药物,而且由于各种远离和隔绝人类与细菌的接触,使免疫系统得不到锻炼而退化。人类的免疫系统的退化,不是从抗菌素的使用开始,而是从使用火的时代就逐渐开始。只有发现它,承认它,自觉地弥补它,才能让人类更美好。(问题四 )

    “为了更形象的说明这一问题,我们用下面一种比喻。如果把生物的免疫系统比喻成一艘大船,那麽不同科属的动物的免疫系统是一艘艘不同的船。而船弦边的侧量水深度的尺度,就是免疫系统的强度标准。通过评定和比较,我们就会知道各种不同类型的生物的免疫系统的强度,哪一艘船面临着沉没的危险。人类整体的免疫系统处在一个什麽样的水准上。每一个人处在什麽水准上。也许某一个人的免疫系统很坚强,对癌症和艾滋病有着天生的免疫力;也许某一个人的免疫系统已降到安全标准以下,已经在患病过程中;也许某一个人的免疫系统已处在被损毁的边际,吃一次过量的黄曲霉素,吃一剂化学药品就能成为压成这艘免疫系统巨轮的最后一块石头。”(问题五 )








    3、 有了以上的基础,我们现在可以看看为什麽SARS出现了,而且出现在人类当今经济发展最快的地区——既不是卫生条件最落后的地区,也不是经济和制度最先进的地区。但它的危害却是全人类的,因为全人类的免疫系统的退化水准是基本一致的,虽然些微小差别,但是落后地区人的免疫系统的惰性退化稍微少些,但科学技术和防治体系差些;先进地区人的免疫系统的惰性退化稍微多些,但科学技术和防治系统健全些。












(上文摘录于《相反论》后记 :“SARS 与 船论”。 由于SARS的出现,《相反论》提前出版于2003年4月27日。 同时发表英文版,便于在英文网络转载)

Discussion on the root cause of human more and more frequent malignant infectious diseases

                                        SARS AND THEORY-SHIP

                              <The theory of contrary> —— Postscript

SARS’ appearance advances the date we plan to publish <The theory of contrary > and the first question of second part of natural science. The date was April 27, 2003.

This article is the first chapter of “PART II” of our theory. Meanwhile, we publish it as the postscript of  “PART I” for our readers.

Do you think of the reason of SARS’ appearance is only virus mutation? Why does it arise in year 2002? Why does the first SARS case be found in China? Why does it infect lungs first? Beside the reasons for other deadly diseases such as AIDS or cancer, what is the reason that causes SARS, which has stronger infectiousness and no effective cure?

Here’s what I’m saying: Every important technology widely used by humans, even cars, All make the human body move forward in the opposite direction, For example, is the invention of a vaccine against the inert degeneration of the immune system a new technology to combat inert degeneration? Whether a new round is formed…(Author’s note in 2020)

Let’s recall what we discussed in the front 30 chapters.

“Unconsciously, human beings are gradually drifting far away from microorganism. As a result, human immune system fails to fight against pernicious microorganism without the help of science and technology. Human immune system is weaker day and day.”   (Question 4)

 “Forgive me to have the following metaphor. If we consider antibiotics effect on weakening the human immune system as a waterfall level drop, then equally the effect of microscope should be treated as a large step. Even we can think of the effect of refrigerator as a small step because it prevents persons from touching too much microorganism remaining in not-fresh food.” (Question 9)

  “When human immune system ship sinks one day, people will notice that each time using fire, microscope and disinfectants were rocks added onto this ship.  The result is the inch by inch sinking of the ship.  Maybe antibiotics will be the last rock to be added onto this ship. The process of ship sinking is a history that human beings are gradually moving away from microorganism.”      

 “We have to accept this situation that great inventions give us great side effects. Because of being away from microorganism, human immune system begins to degenerate. We call it inert degeneration, which is different from medicines-dependent degeneration. Keeping away bacterium causes human inactive degeneration. But this degeneration began as early as people have already known how to use fire. What can we do is to search how to remedy.”  (Question 4)

“Let me have a metaphor to explain more clearly. The immune system of organism is a large ship, and each animal stands for a small single ship. The graduation on vessel’s side to measure depth is the measure of the immune system. Easily, we are able to be aware of which ship is going to sink and who is going to be risk in danger. Maybe someone has enough power to fight with Cancer or AIDS, while someone whose coefficient of immune system is below standard is suffering illness. Each time’s taking antibiotic is probably to break his/her immune system just like the last rock to be added onto the ship.” (Question 5)

Above paragraphs give us one idea: even if our greatest inventions save so many lives (for example: fire, antibiotic, microscope, and vaccines), an objective fact is that— these cause human immune system degenerations, medicine-dependent degeneration and dependent degeneration.  Human beings degenerate part of their body functions while they use their own inventions. So we also call these degenerations as inert   degeneration of human immune system and body function. Human immune system is a ship and because of immune system degeneration, it appears to be sinking.

 The title of this article was “SARS and theory of ship-sink”. But it’s too pessimistic. In fact, what we advocate is “SARS and the theory of preventing ship-sink”.

  In human history, human body function and immune system have been degenerated in different extent because of high technology development and the wide utility of new tools. These cause medicines-dependent degeneration and dependent degeneration. The total standard of human immune has been degenerated. This situation exists subjectively.

   These tools and technology can be regarded as small rocks added onto the ship to cause ship to sink. Also various medical skills such as antibiotic and vaccine Is a piece of material that raises the ship ’s sides

The problem here is:

1. Human beings believe in science technology. This phenomenon seems like we add extra small rocks onto the human immune ship. The whole ship is sinking.

2. Science technology results in human immune system degeneration. It seems like crews heighten vessel’s sides unbalanced. Probably right side is higher than left side so that seawater Thus causing the whole ship to  capsize . 

3. Based on above discussion, we know the reason that SARS arose in the area where economic development is rapid, not an area where it has the best economic and social system. This calamity spread to the whole world because human immune has the same standard.  The difference is people who live in less-developed areas have less dependent degeneration, but people who live in most developed have more dependent degeneration.

SARS was first discovered in China, the world’s most economically and socially developed region, and spread around the world. Its causes are complex, historical and comprehensive.

  1. Because of science technology and new tools development, human immune system and body function result in medicine-dependent degeneration or dependent degeneration. Over the long period, human beings’ immune system can almost reach a break point. Cancer and AIDS are two signals to warn us. SARS is the stronger signal to tell us The human immune system has reached a critical point that is about to be broken by microorganisms in other organisms. Human beings have to turn their attention to dependent degeneration. Otherwise SARS will not only shock in several countries, but also the whole world.

2. At what part of the human system would the first break and cause the ship to capsize? We believe that the most inert parts of the human body will be the first to break through. These parts are mainly the most correspondingly protected parts of people; The most caring part of medical technology; The part closest to exchanging material with the outside world. The human sexual organs, digestive organs and respiratory organs are the first among them, which will involve blood circulation organs and information organs in the future

3.The high SARS disease death rate will not only occur in developed areas, but also the area where too much protection for human life causes human immune system degeneration. Also SARS will not only arise in undeveloped areas , But it’s sure that this kind of disease will arise in the area where the decrease of human immune system is greater than increase of outside protections. They include the areas are antibiotics, medical condition, research condition, early warning, the system for segregating virus infection, media supervision and not good balance between economic and social development.

4. The first SARS case was found in Guangdong, China. The most serious infection area is Hong Kong, China. These aren’t fortuitous. Guangdong is the fastest economic growth area of the world in  this past decades. The productive relationship of this area is fit to productivity development. Fast development creates new unbalances in many aspects such as medical condition, prevention, early warning and health. Also it includes superstructures in related with unbalanced investments. China doesn’t have an efficient way to control and limit antibiotic use as well as prohibiting people eating wild animals. This situation causes many diseases. This is the root cause of the weakened immune system and the extreme vulnerability to death by mutated viruses.

 And about early warning, we get recent news. It’s said that an American officer was suspected to get infective virus caused by gene mutation. By the early segregation and efficient control, it only caused one person died. It was the officer himself. But this virus isn’t SARS. We don’t know whether Americans can control SARS if the first SARS arrives to USA.

(the  flu in the U.S. in 2019 is said to have killed more than 8,000 people, but the U.S. is not in a state of emergency, with some questioning a cover-up and others suggesting it has a cure.)

Hong Kong has the same living style with Guangdong. Although Hong Kong has better medical skills, it still fails to cover human immune system degeneration and dense population. Less rural population and young kids suffer SARS. Beside the outside reasons, it proves our opinion more or less. Rural population and young kids have stronger immune system because they take less medicines. Above analysis is based on human beings themselves or human bodies to search the roof of SARS. If we want to prevent human ship sinking, we have to develop science technology in balance to support our social system and also need to pay more attention on how to reduce side-effects caused by high technology development and any new tool inventions. All of there are rocks added onto the ship, and will lead to human immune system degeneration. It’s more important to take the search to stop adding rocks any more. SARS pushes us to accelerate our steps. In following chapters, we will discuss more these important problems. What we should do is to realize and use these rules. And we will avoid the “Titanic” tragedy.

  All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.                                                                            

                                       Galileo Galilei

(作者:洛杉l矶国际人类学恊会前主席      丛培欣

CONG, PEIXIN :     The Former Chairman of The International Anthropology Association


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