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南加州中华科工会STEM系列讲座第四期: 空间和时间的故事

【美洲华联社1月7日洛杉矶讯】根据目前最好的物理理论, 把空间的三个维度与时间的第四个维度相结合,就可以解释由于接近光速飞行以及宇宙中大质量物体的运动而产生的不寻常的相对论效应。这也是著名物理学家爱因斯坦的相对论基础。

在他的这项开创性工作之前,科学家们有两种不同的理论来解释物理现象:牛顿的物理定律描述了巨大物体的运动,麦克斯韦的电磁模型解释了光的特性。但是 19 世纪末进行的实验表明,无论参照系如何,光总是以相同的速度传播,从而光速可能是一个无法逾越的极限。

爱因斯坦在 1905 年提出的狭义相对论中推测光速是一个常数。为了使这一点成为现实,空间和时间必须结合到一个单一的框架中,才能使所有观察者的光速保持相同。比如乘坐超高速火箭的人将测量到变慢的时间和变短的物体长度,就是因为空间和时间两者的结合的现实。





美西時間:01/08/2022,6:30 pm
北京時間:01/09/2022,10:30 am


会议ID: 762 222 0889
密码 :STEM-0518


主讲人介绍Dr. Jonathan H. Jiang
Dr. Jonathan H. Jiang is a Principal Scientist of the Engineering and Science Directorate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. He is managing a team of more than 30 scientists, engineers, associates, and postdoctoral scholars. He is also serving as an Editor for the Journal of Earth and Space Science, and the Chairman of the American Meteorological Society’s Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry.Dr. Jiang has over 220 publications in the field of Earth and Space sciences and astrophysics. He has been twice awarded the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medals, for his leadership and innovation in scientific research using NASA satellite observations. Most recently, he received the Edward Stone Award and the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for his outstanding scientific achievement and service to NASA missions.蒋红涛博士是加州理工学院喷气推进实验室(JPL)工程与科学部首席科学家, 美国⟪地球与空间科学⟫期刊主编。他和他带领的JPL团队在空间科学及地球卫星研发领域居世界领先地位。蒋博士发表学术论文200余篇,曾在2010和2013年两次获得美国宇航局颁发的杰出贡献勋章, 并于2019荣获爱德华-斯登杰出科研成果奖章及美国宇航局颁发的科学发现勋章。
About UsChinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) is one of the oldest associations in California. Its mission is to serve as a platform to enrich their competence through technical conferences and workshops, to showcase their accomplishments through its annual Achievement Awards, to broaden their career perspectives through global and local networking, and to protect their interests and rights through organizational efforts. CESASC has presented Achievement Awards to recognize the individuals who have made significant contributions to engineering and science, or those with distinguished professional career in the United States. Our previous award recipients included Nobel Laureates, members of US National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine, Corporate and University executives, members of Committee 100, as well as public officials.
美國南加州中華科工學會(CESASC)成立於1962年,由任職於南加州高科技企業公司的華裔科工專業人士組成。協會定期舉辦年會,專題講座,並頒發成就獎。曾擔任演講人,或出席領取成就獎的人士有丁肇中、楊振寧、李政道、李遠哲,高錕等諾貝爾獎得主,吳健雄、吳耀祖、錢煦、朱經武等美、中、台兩岸三地科學、工程學院及中央研究院院士。協會經常舉辦大型科技研討會,主題涉及雲計算,大數據,物聯網,航太、環保,運輸、生物醫學、光電、奈米等科技,並邀請主流公司以展覽方式提供最新動態。協會每年定期舉辦青少年科工計畫競賽(STEM)和學生科研成果展,評比並頒發優秀學生獎學金。Connect to us:

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