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2024年度高校联盟松竹梅奖助学金开通 面向南加州华裔学生申请


历史悠久、最具影响力且覆盖学生范围最广的面向华裔学生的奖学助金项目 — 《第11届高校联盟松竹梅奖助学金》正式启动,欢迎优秀的您来申请!


Part I:2024第十一届高校联盟松竹梅奖学金申请指南:                                                           

01 奖学金金额

• 高中组(9-12年级)


                二等奖 (多位):$500

                三等奖 (多位):$100

• 初中组 (6-8年级)

                一等奖 (2位):$800

                二等奖 (多位):$300

                三等奖 (多位):$100

• 小学组 (1-5年级)

                一等奖 (2位):$500

                二等奖 (多位):$200

三等奖 (多位):$100



02 申请人资格


·       申请人亲生父母中至少一人为华裔或申请人本人有25%及以上的华裔血统;

·       2023-2024学年在南加州地区全日制学校就读的1-12年级的学生

·       申请者需要提供2023-2024学年学校成绩单

·       所有获奖者必须参加7 月 27日的奖学金颁奖典礼

·       所有组委会成员与评审专家的子女将不参加本次奖学金申请

·       为确保奖学金获奖者的多样性并为不同的个人提供机会, 我们诚恳的请求2023年一等奖获得者不再在本届同一组别提交申请(小学组/初中组/高中组一等奖获得者不再申请同一组别,但可以申请下一组别,如2023小学组一等奖获得者可继续申请初中组,初中组一等奖获得者可继续申请高中组)。感谢您的理解。

03 申请程序

1) 填写提交松竹梅奖学金申请资料:

2) 附个人简历

3) 高中组申请者提交不超过500字的英文作文 (Essay) : “Do you use social media? In your opinion or from your personal experience, how do social media platforms influence communication, relationships, and self-image among teenagers?”

小学及初中组申请者需要提交不超过200字的英文命题作文:“If you could travel to any time in the past or future, where would you go and why?”

4) 高中组申请者需要提交过去一年的成绩单复印件;小学及初中组申请者需要提交过去一年的成绩报告卡复印件

5) 提供其它相关支持文件(过去两年内的获奖证书、视频等)


04 其他事项

1) 评审委员会将秉承公平及公正的原则认真审阅每一份奖学金申请,并依据奖学金评分表打分,评选出奖学金的最终获奖者。

2) 2024年松竹梅奖学金颁奖典礼将于2024年7月27日下午2:00–4:30PM 举办(具体地址后续会通知)。奖学金获得者必须参加颁奖仪式,如果不能到现场视为放弃,奖金将颁给下一顺位同学。

Part II:  2024第十一届高校联盟松竹梅助学金申请指南:   

01 助学金金额

本次高校联盟助学金将选取八名优秀的大学新生,颁发资助奖学金每人$3,000 。

02 申请人资格


·       申请人亲生父母中至少一人为华裔或申请人本人有25%以上的华裔血统;

·       是南加州的居民;

·       家庭年收入不超过2024年联邦贫困线的350%,申请者必须提供最近两年完整的纳税申报单 (Tax Returns 或者Tax Return Transcripts),纳税申报单会提交高校联盟教育基金会注册会计师专家审核;

·       申请人必须是2024秋季入学大学新生,提供简历、推荐信和大学录取通知书;

·       申请人需提供近两年的高中成绩单(non-weighted GPA3.0或以上),有SAT成绩或ACT成绩者优先考虑 。

·       所有组委会成员与评审专家的子女将不参加本次助学金申请。


03 申请程序

1) 填写提交高校联盟助学金申请资料:


2) 附个人简历、推荐信和大学录取通知书;

3) 提供最近两年完整的纳税申报单 (Tax Returns 或者Tax Return Transcripts);

4) 提供近两年的高中成绩单(non-weighted GPA3.0或以上),有SAT成绩或ACT成绩者也提供相关资料;

5) 提供其它相关支持文件。



·       高校联盟教育中心基金会牵头组成助学金评审小组;

·       书面审核进行初审;

·       初审合格者可能包括家访;

·       小组面试;

·       小组讨论和投票;

·       高校联盟助学金获得者必须参加颁奖仪式(颁奖典礼将于2024年7月27日下午2:00–4:30PM 举办(具体地址后续会通知)),否则将被视为放弃,该奖金将按排名赠予下一位。

Part III:赞助联系                                                    

本届奖助学金项目同时开通赞助渠道,诚邀社区各类团体和企业参与慈善公益项目,以更好地扩充奖金池,持续性地表彰优秀在美华裔后代,助力他们的在美国的学业发展。基金会开具抵税证明支持企业慈善公益服务的爱心盛举。详情清点击所附的 “赞助二维码” 了解。



张鸣,       高校联盟教育基金会理事长 

               Tel: 310-938-9162

李姗        南加州中华高校校友会联盟会长 

               Tel: 626-200-5460

贾旭东    交通大学南加州校友会会长 

               Tel: 909-576-8640

刘国云    山东大学南加州校友会会长 

               Tel: 626-400-3476

王耀辉    西安电子科技大学南加州校友会 

               Tel: 626-478-8968


南加州中华高校校友会联盟(CUAAASC:Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance ofSouthern California)简称高校联盟,成立于 2016 年 10 月。高校联盟由北京大学校友会、清华大学校友会、交通大学校友会倡议成立,是南加州中华高校校友之间的沟通桥梁;目前拥有 75家成员校友会,覆盖数万校友。高校联盟不仅互帮互助,共谋发展,还旨在通过教育基金会提升慈善公益服务,回馈于社会。


高校联盟教育基金会是南加州中华高校校友会联盟的 501(C)(3)慈善基金会组织。该基金会于2020 年在加州注册成立,旨在提升慈善公益服务,回馈于社会。奖励优秀学生并根据学生的经济需求,对需要资助的优秀学生进行奖励,同时协助南加州中华高校校友会联盟的慈善活动。目前,高校联盟教育基金会的工作团队成员由投资专家、筹款专家、教育专家、大学教授、企业高管、会计税务专家和法律专家组成,他们是慈善公益事业奉献的志愿者。特别是, 这些志愿者都是中国著名大学毕业并有海外留学与工作的经历,学有所成并安居在南加州的校友。

English Version

The 11th SongZhuMei (SZM) Scholarship and Financial Aid program, one of the most influential and widely-covered scholarship programs (grades 1-12) with long history in southern California, is now open for applications!

We are accepting applications now!
Please send any inquiries to:
Submit your application here:
SongZhuMei Scholarship:
SongZhuMei Financial Aid:
June 23Deadline for the Application Submission
July 21Announcement for Awardees
July 27Award Ceremony

Part I: 2024 SongZhuMei Scholarship Application guidelines: 

01 Scholarship Type and Amount

• High School group(Grade 9-12)

•    1st prize (2 persons):$1,000

•    2nd prize (multi persons):$500

•    3rd prize (multi persons):$100

• Middle School group (Grade 6-8)

•    1st prize (2 persons):$800

•    2nd prize (multi persons):$300

•    3rd prize (multi persons):$100

• Elementary School group(Grade 1-5)

•    1st prize (2 person):$500

•    2nd prize (multi persons):$200

•    3rd prize (multi persons):$100

*All awardees will also receive the SongZhuMei (SZM) Scholarship certificate.

About SZM Scholarship:

Established in 2011, the SongZhuMei (SZM) Scholarship was jointly founded by Tsinghua University Alumni Association of Southern California (THUAASC), Peking University Alumni Association of Southern California (PKUAASC) and Chiao-Tung University Alumni Association of Southern California (CTUAASC). Over the years, the SZM Scholarship has bestowed recognition upon over hundreds of students from schools in Southern California. This scholarship aims to inspire young generation of Chinese immigrants (Grade 1-12) to actively participate in volunteerism and community service, cultivating a profound appreciation for Chinese culture, while also acknowledging and celebrating their outstanding achievements.

02  Applicant Requirements

To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must fulfill ALL the following criteria:

• The applicant must be a full-time student enrolled in a Southern California school (Grades 1-12) during the 2023-2024 academic year.

•At least one biological parent is of Chinese descent or they themselves have 25% or more Chinese blood.

• It is mandatory for all scholarship recipients to attend the Award Ceremony, which will be scheduled on July 27, 2024.  Failure to show up in the Ceremony will result in forfeiture of the award and the scholarship will be presented to the runner up,

• Children of members in Scholarship Organizing Committee and all judges are NOT eligible to apply.

• To ensure diversity and provide opportunities to different individuals, we kindly request that first prize winners in 2023 refrain from submitting applications in the same category for this year (i.e., first prize winners in the elementary school category, middle school category, or high school category are not eligible to apply in the same category, but may apply in the next category; for instance, a 2023 first prize winner in the elementary school category may apply in the middle school category, and a middle school category first prize winner may apply in the high school category).  We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you in the future.

03 Application Process

To apply for the 2024 SZM Scholarship, please carefully follow these steps:

2) High school group applicants must prepare an essay in English with a maximum word count of 500. The essay topic is: “Do you use social media? In your opinion or from your personal experience, how do social media platforms influence communication, relationships, and self-image among teenagers?” For elementary and middle school group applicants, the essay should also be in English and not exceed 200 words. The essay topic is: ” If you could travel to any time in the past or future, where would you go and why?”

3) High school group applicants should provide a scanned copy of their transcript for the past academic year (2023-2024). Middle school and elementary school group applicants should submit a scanned copy of their scorecard for the same period.

4) If you have any additional supporting documents or materials that showcase your achievements or talents over the past two years, such as award certificates, pictures of artworks, or YouTube links, please include them with your application.

5) Please upload a self-introduction (video or audio file, and it should be within 30 seconds, using Chinese will get bonus for evaluation).

04 Additional Information

1) The scholarship selection committee is composed of members recommended by CUAAASC. All applications will be thoroughly reviewed and assessed based on merit per the grading criteria, ensuring fairness and equity in the evaluation process.

2) The award ceremony and 2024 will be held on July 27, 2024 from 2:00–4:30PM (venue to be determined), all awardees are required to attend in person.

Part II:2024 SongZhuMei Financial Aid Application guidelines:

01 Award numbers and amount

A total of 8 incoming college freshmen in the fall of 2024 will be awarded this Financial Aid-based Scholarship, with $3,000 each.

02 Applicant Eligibility

CUAAASC SongZhuMei Financial Aid Applicants must meet ALL the following criteria: 

·       At least one biological parent is of Chinese descent or they themselves have 25% or more Chinese blood.

·       Reside in Southern California.

·       Have an annual household income of less than or equal to 350% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Level (please referred to the table below).  Applicants must submit completed tax returns or tax return transcripts for the most recent two years to the designated CPA of the Education Foundation for verification.

·       Must be an incoming freshman for the fall of 2024, and provide an autobiography, a letter of recommendation, and an admission notice.

·       Submit high school transcripts (non-weighted) with a minimum GPA of 3.0. An SAT score or ACT score is preferred.

·       Children of members in Scholarship Organizing Committee and all judges are NOT eligible for application.

The table below lists the income limits for eligible applicants. These numbers are based on 350% of the 2024 Federal Poverty Level. For example, a family of 3 with a combined household income not exceeding $90,370 would be eligible to apply.

03 Application Process

To apply for the CUAAASC SongZhuMei Financial Aid, please follow the steps below:

1) Fill out the application form by clicking on the following link:

2) Prepare and submit the required documents mentioned in the “2. Applicant Eligibility” section above.

04 Selection Process

The selection process for the CUAAASC Financial Aid is designed to ensure fairness and impartiality. Here are the steps involved:

1)      The judging panel consists of members from CUAAASC Center for Education Foundation board and the 2024 SongZhuMei Scholarship Organizing Committee.

2)      All submitted applications undergo a thorough preliminary review. During this stage, the eligibility and suitability of each application are carefully evaluated.

3)      As part of the selection process, home visits may be conducted for applicants who successfully pass the preliminary review. This allows the panel to gain further insight into the applicants’ background and domestic conditionss.

4)      Shortlisted applicants will be invited to participate in a panel interview. This interview provides an opportunity for the judging panel to delve deeper into the qualifications and potential of each candidate.

5)      Following the panel interviews, the judging panel engages in a comprehensive panel discussion and voting process. This collaborative approach ensures a fair and well-rounded evaluation of all applicants.

6)      It is mandatory for scholarship winners to attend the award ceremony. Failure to attend the ceremony will result in the forfeiture of the scholarship, which will then be awarded to the runner-up.

Part III:Sponsorship information:                      

We sincerely invite enterprises to consider sponsoring this program. For detailed information, please refer to the article here:

or contact the individuals listed below:

Ming Zhang, chair of the board of CUAAASC Center for Education, Tel: 310-938-9162

Liza Li, President of Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California (CUAAASC), Tel: 626-200-5460

Xudong Jia, Chiao-Tung University Alumni Association of Southern California (CTUAASC), Tel: 909-576-8640

Jessica Liu, President of Shandong University Alumni Association of Southern California (SDUAASC), Tel: 626-400-3476

Yaohui Wang, Xidian University Alumni Association of Southern California (XUAASC), Tel: 626-478-8968

For any sponsorship-related inquiries or to explore partnership opportunities, please reach out to the respective individuals mentioned above. We appreciate your support and contribution to the success of the program.

Lead Organizing Alumni Associations:

•    Chiao-Tung University Alumni Association of Southern California

•    Shandong University Alumni Association of Southern California

•  Xidian University Alumni Association of Southern California



Established in October 2016, the Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California (CUAAASC) was founded based on the alumni associations of three universities, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Chiao Tung University. CUAAASC plays a crucial role in connecting alumni from Chinese universities who reside in Southern California. It serves as a dynamic platform for fostering communications, mutual support, exploring shared interests, and exchanging valuable information among alumni. With a network encompassing 75 university alumni associations, CUAAASC boasts a remarkable community of over 50,000 accomplished alumni. This diverse community includes distinguished Chinese Americans who have achieved excellence in a wide array of fields, including senior scientists, architects, musicians, artists, engineers, lawyers, politicians, and more.

Driven by its vision, CUAAASC is committed to serving the community and making significant contributions to society. Through various initiatives, CUAAASC actively supports alumni and endeavors to enhance their personal and professional growth, while also striving to create positive impacts within the broader community.

About CUAAASC Education Foundation

The Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California Education Foundation (hereinafter “the Education Foundation”) is a 501(c)3 charitable foundation affiliated with the Chinese University Alumni Association Alliance of Southern California (CUAAASC).

Incorporated in California in 2020, the mission of the Education Foundation is to enhance excellence and give back to the community by rewarding outstanding and deserving students based on their academic merits and/or financial needs in addition to raising and managing funds to assist in CUAAASC charitable activities for the community.

At present, the working team members of the Education Foundation are composed of investment professionals, fundraising specialists, educators, university professors, business executives, accounting and taxation specialists and legal practitioners. They are all volunteers for the charity work. In particular, these volunteers are alumni who are graduates from top-notch Chinese universities, have experience in studying and working in US, have achieved academic success and settled in Southern California.
