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Eastvale SLAC Hosting their Donation at the Mattel Children’s Hospital for the Chase Child Life Program and Receiving Heartfelt Gratitude for Contribution

Eastvale City:Slac Club host a “White Dove Angel Charity Action” on Thanksgiving Day in 2024, to care for the disadvantaged groups and to build a harmonious society.

With the concept of “passing on love”, everyone is encouraged to take action to love, to learn to love while receiving love. Since the foundation of the SLAC Club, it has been receiving awesome feedbacks all the time from students, parents and people from all walks of life in the community. On this year’s anniversary of the club, it has received a lot of thanks and donations.

The members of Slac Club all felt very proud and grateful and decided to donate all funds and materials to groups in need in society. Zichen Xiang, the founder of Slac Club, and Derek Zhang, director of event communication, contacted Tracey Mariano, Chase Child Life Program Manager at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital, and sent all the donated materials to the hospital on the Thanksgiving this year. The event was very successful and was warmly thanked by the hospital staff.

Zichen Xiang started her own Chinese and English offline tutoring classes in the community in December 2022.  In July of 2023, with support and encouragement from the Eastvale Kiwanis Club, she founded SLAC Club, a non-profit organization led by students from 6 different high schools in LA!

Serving the community, they dedicated to discover children’s academic, athletic, and artistic potential! SLAC currently has over 60 club members, More than 30 of their students come from the Las Angeles – US, Guangzhou – China, and Calgary – Canada. Up to this point, they had served more than 1200 hours in the community in total.

Their most feature project is their online and in-person course taught by high school students with children in the communities; they have opened free bilingual and artistic class with a total of seven online and in-person classes. SLAC courses have been well commented by parents and people from all walks of life. Lastly, they received commendation and recognition from Eastvale City and members of Congress for two consecutive years.

We’re a student-led nonprofit organization, serving muti-communities! The main purpose of the club is on education and community volunteer activities. They dedicated to the discovery of children’s STEM, language, athletic, and artistic potential, along with active initiation and participation in various volunteer activities and social welfare activities. We provide free fundamentals and consultation services to guide parents in finding the most suitable extracurricular activities for their children’s development.

Special thanks to the support of the following for making this donation possible!
Adela Fakes,Aiken Pan,Alina Pan,Ally Pan,Amber Pan,Benjamin Tu,Belinda Tu,Cathy Gao,Clarie Gu,Derek& Michelle,Derek Zhang,Dylan Thanh Vo,Erlan Chi,Ethan Xiao,Frank Zhao,Heqi Wang,Jayden & Derick,JingJing Chen,Joanne,James Gao,Yize Xiang,Kak Yan,Kathy Le,Leo& Lars,Tao Yang,Xinyan Zou,Zichen Xiang,Zichen Zhu,Ziyu Zhu.


Facebook :  Eastvale Slac Club

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中文标题:东谷SlAC Club 在感恩节举办了社区公益捐赠活动,受捐方为UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital

Slac Club 于2024年感恩节举办了“白鸽天使公益活动”,活动主题是关爱弱势群体,构建和谐社会。活动以“爱心的传递”为理念,呼吁每个人行动起来,传递爱心,同时在接受关爱的同时也要学会给予爱。自成立以来,Slac Club 一直受到社区学生、家长和社会各界人士的广泛好评。今年,在社团周年庆典之际,Slac Club 收到了众多感谢与捐赠,成员们倍感自豪与感恩,并决定将所有款项和物资捐赠给社会上有需要的群体。

Slac Club 创始人 Zichen Xiang 和社团活动负责人 Derek Zhang 与 UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital Chase Child Life Program 经理 Tracey Mariano 取得联系,并在今年感恩节期间将所有捐赠物资送到医院。此次活动取得了圆满成功,得到了医院工作人员的热烈回应与感谢。

Eastvale Slac Club创始人及团队简介

向孜宸于2022年12月开始在社区开始自己的中英文线下辅导班,2023年7月在Eastvale Kiwanis Club的支持和鼓励下创立了Slac Club,这是一个由来自洛杉矶6所不同高中的优秀学生组成和领导的非营利组织!服务社区,致力于发掘孩子的学术、运动和艺术潜力!SLAC目前拥有60多名成员, 他们的学生来自美国洛杉矶,中国广州,还有加拿大卡尔加里。截至目前,他们已在社区服务超过1200小时。

社团最有特色的项目是高中生们与社区孩子的线上线下的课程,开设了免费双语班,和多个艺术类课程,线上线下共七节课。 SLAC课程受到家长和社会各界人士的好评。并且,他们连续两年获得了东谷市和国会议员的表彰和认可。

Eastvale Slac Club 简介


Adela Fakes,Aiken Pan,Alina Pan,Ally Pan,Amber Pan,Benjamin Tu,Belinda Tu,Cathy Gao,Clarie Gu,Derek& Michelle,Derek Zhang,Dylan Thanh Vo,Erlan Chi,Ethan Xiao,Frank Zhao,Heqi Wang,Jayden & Derick,JingJing Chen,Joanne,James Gao,Yize Xiang,Kak Yan,Kathy Le,Leo& Lars,Tao Yang,Xinyan Zou,Zichen Xiang,Zichen Zhu,Ziyu Zhu

希望大家多多关注Slac Club的官方公共平台:


Facebook :  Eastvale Slac Club

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