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  25年前,在一段长达12年的恋情失败之后,荷兰女子埃丝特-路易丝⋅海伊(Esther-Louise Heij)做了一个大胆的决定,她要用精子库的精子和试管技术生娃,当一个单亲妈妈。

  经过多番考察,海伊打听到在鹿特丹有一家诊所,那儿的负责人思想非常开明有远见。就是本文的主人公简⋅卡尔巴特(Jan Karbaat)。

  “The doctor seemed very good at what he did,” she says. “He was a pioneer in his attitudes. He talked me through what it would be like to raise children on my own; he seemed very serious and professional.”


  And he was supportive, too, of her hope that any children she had would be able to know their father. “He assured me that would be possible. He was an important doctor in a white coat. I trusted him; it never crossed my mind that I couldn’t.”


  The doctor, Jan Karbaat, told Heij that he would find a donor whose physical attributes fitted into her family. “He asked me for pictures of my relatives, so he could find a good match. And he said he would make sure the donor was a man who would be open to being traced later.”


  ▲ The man who may have secretly fathered 200 children (via the Guardian)


图 via the Guardian


  “For a boy to grow up without a father figure is a big thing; a father is important, especially for a boy. I wanted to know who he was: there were things I wanted to ask him. And I wanted to find out whether certain ways I behaved were connected with him – things that made me seem different from my mother and my sister, like that I’m much more laid back than they are.”


  ▲ The man who may have secretly fathered 200 children (via the Guardian)




截图 via YouTube


  “We were in shock – it was a feeling of total disbelief. Karbaat was a doctor, and to use his own sperm to get women pregnant would have been totally prohibited. It was difficult to process the enormity of what this meant. But right away I thought:‘This man could be my father.’ I was scouring pictures of him, looking for physical similarities.”


  Yonathan was thrown into emotional turmoil. He had previously written to Karbaat asking for information about his father, and the letters had been returned unopened. “I thought, is that how little he cares? He seemed so cold, so arrogant. And this man could be my father – it was all very hard to come to terms with.”


  ▲ The man who may have secretly fathered 200 children (the Guardian)




  One of the children, named Joey, said he could “finally close the chapter” now he knew Mr Karbaat was his father.


  ”After a search of 11 years I can continue my life. I am glad that I finally have clarity,” he told Dutch broadcaster NOS.


  Tim Bueters, a lawyer who represented the 49 children, said he was pleased about the outcome of the case after years of uncertainty.


  ”It means that there is finally clarity for the children who are matched,” he told NOS.


  ▲ Dutch fertility doctor used own sperm to father 49 children, DNA tests show (via BBC)



  对于卡尔巴特的做法,你有什么想说的?(文章来源:环球时报 法广 文:A君  资料:the Guardian, BBC)
