厦门花生汤 Sweet Peanut Soup


Many years back w

hen we first visited our native village back in China, my brothers and I discovered a small stall near the hotel selling local dishes and snacks.

This sweet peanut soup was one of them, I remembered going back for more everyday during our stay. It was just incredibly delicious, unforgettable taste even after so many years…


2 cups/300 克 去皮白肉花生 

100-150克 冰糖 (或适量)

10 杯清水


2 cups/300 gm of white long peanuts

100-150 gm rock sugar(or to taste)

10 cups of water

1. 先煮滚一锅水,倒到盆里和花生一起泡上1-2个小时。如果买的花生是还没去红衣的,热水泡过后搓搓,就很容易把红衣搓下。

2. 把花生洗干净后加10杯清水大火煮滚转中小火加盖炖3-5个小时。吃之前加入冰糖根据口味调味即可。



1. Bring a big pot of water to boil, soaked the peanuts in hot water for 1-2 hours, if the peanuts you bought is with skins, the skins could be easily removed after soaking.

2. Wash the peanuts and place it in a heavy bottom cookware with 10 cups of water, bring to boil and turn heat to medium low, simmer for 3-5 hours or until peanuts become soft. Sweeten with rock sugar before serving.

Note:To save time, use a pressure cooker to cook the soaked peanut for 8 minutes after first whistle. And pour it into heavy bottom cookware with HOT WATER to continue cooking for 1-2 hours. 

DO NOT over cook it in pressure cooker as the soup may become greasy.


Yummy and healthy Sweet peanut soup… good for cold fall weather!