阿罕布拉市今早发生火灾 多个华裔商家受损

【美洲华联社洛杉矶报道】位于山谷大道和New Ave东北角处的商业中心在周三早6点发生火灾,永和豆浆和全球快递公司等华裔商家受损严重,目前无人伤亡的报告,起火原因正在调查之中。起火地点属于阿罕布拉市的区域。

Firefighters battle a fire at the Valley & New Center on the northeast corner of Valley Boulevard and New Avenue the Alhambra area Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Rick McClure, contributing photographer)

Firefighters battle a fire at the Valley & New Center on the northeast corner of Valley Boulevard and New Avenue the Alhambra area Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Rick McClure, contributing photographer)

Firefighters battle a fire at the Valley & New Center on the northeast corner of Valley Boulevard and New Avenue the Alhambra area Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Rick McClure, contributing photographer)

Firefighters battle a fire at the Valley & New Center on the northeast corner of Valley Boulevard and New Avenue the Alhambra area Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Rick McClure, contributing photographer)

Firefighters battle a fire at the Valley & New Center on the northeast corner of Valley Boulevard and New Avenue the Alhambra area Wednesday, May 16. (Photo by Rick McClure, contributing photographer)