图文来源:UCA 编辑部 北美新视界
美国华人联合会 (UCA)赞赏司法部长Garland和副部长Olsen为结束有严重缺陷的“中国行动计划”(the China Initiative)所迈出的第一步。我们感谢联邦政府愿意倾听华裔美国人和其他受影响社区对该计划带来的危害的各种担忧。我们感谢很多组织和个人挺身而出,帮助挽回美国司法系统的诚信和美国民主对所有美国人的承诺。
多年来,UCA 从声援陈霞芬、郗小星、胡安民以及其他的无辜华人案件做起,一直站在为争取我们宪法保障的公民权利和公民自由而斗争的最前沿。UCA将继续与其他组织和社区合作,确保美利坚合众国信守她对所有美国人做出的平等正义、自由和公平的承诺。
UCA举办抗议示威行动日 呼吁终止“中国行动计划”
UCA Applaud End of the China Initiative, Calling for Accountability Under DOJ’s New Guideline
We at United Chinese Americans (UCA) applaud Attorney General Garland and Assistant Attorney General Olsen for taking the first step to end the flawed “China Initiative.” We appreciate the government for listening to the various concerns of Chinese Americans and other affected communities regarding the harm of this program. We are thankful for the many organizations and individuals who stepped up to help redeem the integrity of America’s judicial system and reclaim the promise of our democracy.
While the United States has a legitimate need to counter espionage and other illicit transfer of technology and intellectual property—a concern UCA fully supports—singling out one country among a myriad of threats from a myriad of countries has fueled the practice of racial and country of origin profiling at a time when anti-Asian hate crimes are already at a record high.
As US-China relations worsen, another deeply troubling development with the DOJ’s China Initiative—and indeed with other federal agencies—is the convenient, overly broad, and
even abusive use of national security as a means to prosecute individuals, especially those with ties to China. Many Chinese American scientists under investigation or prosecution by the China Initiative are treated as if they were spies or foreign agents.
And most shockingly, certain law enforcement officials even publicly acknowledge they have achieved their “national security” goal by creating a chilling effect on the scientific community through the dragnet they put on campus and at research institutions or by overzealous prosecutions through the China Initiative. These methods and practice have led to irrevocable damage both to these scientists and to the credibility of our law enforcement agencies. This is utterly un-American.
At the heart of the China Initiative is the perception of Asian Americans—especially Chinese Americans today—as “perpetual foreigners” whose loyalty to America is often questioned. It’s this harmful mindset that has subjected our community to harsh scrutiny, mistrust, and thus unequal treatment under law by the very same government sworn to protect us. This must change if America is ever to remain a viable democracy based on the rule of law.
As we acknowledge the progress made by the DOJ with regard to the China Initiative, we will continue to be watchful and hold federal law enforcement agencies accountable, not only by its long-standing values, but also by the new prosecutorial guidelines. In particular, we call on:
1. The DOJ to use its new guidelines to immediately review and, if applicable, drop those ongoing cases against scientists whose only charged “crime” concerns research integrity;
2. The FBI to use the new guideline to immediately review and, if applicable, terminate those ongoing investigations of scientists;
3. The federal law enforcement agencies to start a meaningful and sustained dialogue with Asian American communities, initiate bias training, discipline agents for their misconduct, and recognize and remedy the harm and suffering the overzealous prosecutions have inflicted upon the scientists and their families.
For years, UCA has been at the forefront of the fight for our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and civil liberties, through cases such as Sherry Chen, Xiaoxing Xi, Anming Hu and others. UCA will continue to partner with other organizations and communities to hold the United States to her promises of equal justice, freedom and fairness for all.