
图文来源: 美国北京联合会

美国的新闻媒体公然造谣说每一个参加抗议的华人华侨可以领到$200 to $400, 台湾方面也公然抹黑造谣。


我们想骄傲地告诉大伙儿:我们全是心甘情愿自掏腰包:$100, $200, $300, $500, $1000, $2000, $3000, $5000 有名有姓有捐款明细,在最短的时间美国南加州的华人华侨凑够了足够的用于租车、印刷宣传品和购买水、盒饭的经费……全美的华人华侨、南加州的华人华侨空前团结一致抗议蔡英文出卖台湾、推行台“独”的分裂行径!



2023年4月5日早上 里根图书馆门前汇集了许多的华人华侨,大家手持标语,抗议蔡英文和麦卡锡的会面,这是公然对一个中国原则的挑战!









Dear Newsweek,

I am writing to inform you that a correction must be made to your article “China Offers Protesters $400 Each to Disrupt McCarthy-Tsai Meet- Report” written by John Feng and published on April 5, 2023. (https://www.newsweek.com/taiwan-tsai-ing-wen-kevin-mccarthy-california-china-protest-1792615)

In your article, it is falsely stated that there were “individual payments averaging $400” to mobilize people and that the payments came from “China’s consulate in Los Angeles.” Both points are false. 

There was never any payments made to the people who came out in demonstration for the pro-China unification. I cannot speak on whether the pro-Taiwan people did pay money to their own demonstrators. However, it is completely false to state that the “One China” people received any money. There were no monetary payments made to the Chinese-American demonstrators and there were no other benefits besides the sense that people were rightfully exercising their rights to peacefully demonstrate.

Secondly, there was never any payments from China’s consulate or government official. Your article mentioned “pro-unification associations” which are actually local community organizations. These organizations were founded by Chinese Americans for diverse reasons, some help to spread awareness of Chinese culture through arts, others work to better trade relationships between the two nations, and some help new immigrants in the United States better assimilate. Overall, these organizations have a like-minded mission to help better relations between the U.S. and China and help people in the U.S. have a better understanding of Chinese culture. 

In regards to the funding, these organizations raised their own money with donations from their own organization members to fund the demonstrations. The money came from the hard-working Chinese-American people who donated money to their local community organizations and the money was used solely to purchase items such as signs, banners, megaphones for the peaceful demonstration. No money was used to pay people to demonstrate. People who showed up to demonstrate did so out of their own volition because they wanted to. It is damaging to claim that our Chinese-American organizations received money from the Chinese consulate when no such thing happened.

Please make corrections to your article to correct your misrepresentation of the facts and ensure that history records the truth. As the media, you have a gatekeeper role, whether that is to spread truth or misinformation, is up to you. 

Please make the corrections to the article by end of the day April 5, 2023. If the corrections are not made in a timely manner, I reserve the right to hire legal representation to sue for libel and misrepresentation. 

If you have any questions, you may reach out to me through email. If you would like to schedule a personal interview, you may do so as well, but do reach out first so I can confirm my availability.