

今日美国(USA TODAY)的报道称,能源部建议将温度设置为您觉得舒适的温度并提供湿度控制,但强调室内外温差越小,整体制冷费用就越低。其他需要考虑的因素包括家庭成员的健康状况、您愿意支付多少电费以及您使用的其他制冷方法,例如风扇。



2021 年《消费者报告》的一项调查发现,使用中央空调的人将其设置为72华氏度的中值温度,比节能建议低得多,没有一位受访者选择高于76华氏度的温度。








EPA 数据显示空调的能源需求正在上升。随着气候变热,炎热的日子数量增加,同时凉爽的日子数量减少。

Air conditioners will work hard during this week's Excessive Heat Watch spinning electric meters faster for higher bills. Power companies recommend increasing your thermostat to save.

Utility costs continue to be a concern for New Yorkers, especially as the summer hits.
Utility costs continue to be a concern for New Yorkers, especially as the summer hits.

How to keep bills under control while running AC nonstop?

There are other ways to keep your house cooler. Windows can cause significant unwanted heat that’s trapped inside, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Here are a few steps to aid cooling:

  • Adding window curtains;
  • Limiting heat-producing appliances,
  • Checking weather stripping on doors and windows;
  • Installing ceiling fans to help circulate air, though don’t use this as a sole cooling device. FEMA warns this can give a false sense of comfort with air flow that doesn’t reduce body temperature or prevent heat-related illness.

EPA data suggests energy demand from air conditioning is on the rise. The number of warmer days has increased as the climate has warmed at the same time the number of cooler days has decreased.

Contributing: Jordan Green, Memphis Commercial Appeal; Greg Giesen, Delaware News Journal; and Manahil Ahmad, The Bergen Record.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: What’s the best temperature setting for AC during the heat wave? View comments (118)