無與倫比的盛會 地產大伽精英會成功落幕

图文由地產精英Heidi Jin 團隊提供

Broker Preview 經紀人專場
????地點:22588 Pacific Ln, Diamond Bar
????時間:下午1點 – 4點

Heidi Jin(右)和嘉宾


我們為期一天的經紀人專場活動取得圓滿成功,來自地產界的專業人士、代理人及行業精英共聚一堂,充分展現了地產行業的團結與專業精神。The Country No.1 豪宅憑藉其優雅日式設計、卓越品質及細膩細節,深深吸引了到場嘉賓,贏得了高度好評。


•   精緻美食與醇厚美酒

• 行業干貨分享
Heidi Jin 現場分享了她在千萬豪宅成交中的實戰經驗,從精準的營銷策略到優質的客戶服務,她的寶貴心得為與會者提供了實用的行業洞察和靈感,贏得了滿堂喝彩。

• 交流與合作

Heidi Jin 團隊再次刷新紀錄!

Heidi Jin在致辞中說:“最亮的星星永遠照耀我前行

衷心感謝所有到場支持的 Broker 和行業夥伴!妳們的信任與鼓勵讓我充滿動力,不斷前行。



感謝每一位來賓的參與,您的支持讓這場活動成為一次無與倫比的盛會。這標誌著地產行業新階段的成功開局,並進一步證明了 The Country No.1 豪宅作為市場翹楚的地位。”


Elite Real Estate Gathering – A Resounding Success!

Broker Preview Event
????Location: 22588 Pacific Ln, Diamond Bar
????Date: November 14th
????Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

[????] Thank you to over 120 elite professionals who attended!

Our exclusive Broker Preview event concluded with resounding success, uniting top brokers, agents, and industry leaders in an unparalleled showcase of collaboration and excellence. The Country No.1 captivated all attendees with its exceptional Japanese-style design, superior craftsmanship, and meticulous attention to detail.

Event Highlights Recap:

•   Gourmet Cuisine and Fine Wine

Guests enjoyed a delightful spread of premium dishes and beverages in a relaxed setting, making their exploration of this extraordinary property an unforgettable experience.
• Exclusive Market Insights
Heidi Jin delivered an inspiring presentation, sharing her proven strategies for closing multimillion-dollar deals. From precise marketing approaches to exceptional client services, her expertise provided attendees with actionable insights and inspiration.
• Networking Opportunities
This event served as an ideal platform for fostering industry connections. Attendees engaged in meaningful discussions, paving the way for future collaborations and expanding their professional networks.

The Heidi Jin Team Sets a New Standard!
Thank you to all who participated and contributed to making this event a remarkable success. Your support has set the stage for a thriving future, solidifying The Country No.1 as a standout property in the market.

We look forward to collaborating with you again!