















HEAD: Trump Rejects Contention His Attacks on Non-White Lawmakers Are Racist

TEASER: President Trump’s tweets about progressive, newly-elected members of Congress are deemed racist and xenophobic by his critics

TWEET: Trump rejects contention his attacks on non-white lawmakers are racist

DATE: 07/15/2019

PUBLISHED AT: Monday, July 15, 2019 1:48:07 PM

NUMBER: 28595522

WEB BYLINE: Steve Herman

CONTRIBUTOR: Ken Bredemeier

WRITER: Steve Herman, Ken Bredemeier

DATELINE: White House


UPDATE: new hed, new grafs 1-5, 10-11 ))

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday rejected critics’ claims that his attacks on four Democratic members of Congress, all women of color, are racist.

“Somebody has a problem with our country, somebody doesn’t want to be in our country, they should leave,” Trump said, a day after he told the lawmakers to “go back” to the countries they came from, even though three of the four were born in the United States and the fourth emigrated from Somalia but is a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Asked whether his comments were racist, Trump told White House reporters, “Not at all.”

In Twitter statements Monday, Trump renewed his attacks on Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, the Somali native; Massachusetts Rep. Ayana Pressley, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio; New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a native New Yorker, and Michigan Rep. Rashid Tlaib, who was born in Detroit.

He contended the four women, all newcomers to Congress in January, had demeaned the U.S., Israel and the presidency.

“When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said,” Trump tweeted. “So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!” https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1150720283654938625

On Twitter Sunday, Trump told the lawmakers to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

Opposition Democrats were quick to criticize Trump’s remarks as racist and xenophobic, and House speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday the chamber will vote on a resolution to condemn the comments.

A handful of Republican lawmakers joined in attacks on Trump on Monday

Republican Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan, said, “The President’s tweets were flat out wrong and uncalled for.” Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania said, “President Trump was wrong to suggest that four left-wing congresswomen should go back to where they came from…. The citizenship of all four is as valid as mine.”

A staunch Republican defender of Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham, who golfed with him over the weekend, said the president should “aim higher” with his criticism of the four, even as Graham disparaged their views.

“We all know AOC (the acronym for Ocasio-Cortez) and this crowd are a bunch of communists,” Graham told Fox News on Monday. “They hate Israel, they hate our own country, they’re calling the guards along our border, the border control agents, concentration camp guards, they accuse people who support Israel of doing it for the Benjamins (money), they’re anti-Semitic, they’re anti-America, don’t get that, aim higher. We don’t need to know anything about them personally. Talk about their policy.”

The four progressives have been squabbling with Democratic House Speaker Pelosi over immigration policy and other issues. The dispute has attracted Trump’s attention in recent days, even prompting him to utter rare public support for Pelosi – at least when it comes to her attempt to rein in the newly elected foursome.

Trump’s first tweets about the minority female members of Congress, known as “the squad,” came about 20 minutes after a segment about them on the Fox News Channel. The president frequently reacts quickly on social media to what he sees on Fox, his favorite news channel.

Omar, in particular, has been a frequent topic of critical coverage on the cable television channel, in part due to her frequent criticism of Israel and comments perceived as anti-Semitic.

Omar and Tlaib are the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress.

In a Twitter response to Trump on Sunday, Omar reminded him that the United States is the only country to which members of Congress swear an oath.

“Which is why we are fighting to protect it from the worst, most corrupt and inept president we have ever seen,” added the Minnesotan.

“You are angry because you can’t conceive of an America that includes us,” Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez responded to Trump on Twitter. “You rely on a frightened America for your plunder.” [[ https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1150445185438035968 ]]

British Prime Minister Theresa May also offered her view of the situation, saying Monday that’s Trump’s comments were “completely unacceptable.”

Begin forwarded message:

From: Speaker Pelosi <[email protected]>

Date: July 15, 2019 at 12:24:51 PM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: PELOSI — Dear Colleague on Resolution Responding to President Trump’s Xenophobic Statements

Reply-To: Speaker Pelosi <[email protected]>

July 15, 2019

Dear Democratic Colleague,

On Sunday, it was a sign to us that the Catholic Gospel reading was that of the Good Samaritan, where Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and treat them with mercy. Trump’s ICE raids this weekend are the opposite of mercy. We have been monitoring these raids closely insisting that #FamiliesBelongTogether and that everyone #KnowYourRights.

This weekend, the President went beyond his own low standards using disgraceful language about Members of Congress. As I wrote on Twitter yesterday, I reject the President’s xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation. Rather than attack Members of Congress, he should work with us for humane immigration policy that reflects American values. This morning, the President doubled down on his attacks on our four colleagues suggesting they apologize to him. Let me be clear, our Caucus will continue to forcefully respond to these disgusting attacks.

The House cannot allow the President’s characterization of immigrants to our country to stand. Our Republican colleagues must join us in condemning the President’s xenophobic tweets. Please join us in supporting a forthcoming resolution sponsored by Congressman Tom Malinowski, who was born abroad, and Congressman Jamie Raskin, along with other Democratic Members born abroad referencing President Ronald Reagan’s last speech as President in which he said, “Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier… If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.”

Unfortunately, this morning, the Trump Administration announced they will seek to undermine our nation’s asylum laws. This cruel and anti-immigrant Administration is overreaching and stacking the deck against asylum seekers by limiting their rights to due process under our laws. This is simply not who we are as a country. Instead, we should be working in a bipartisan way for comprehensive immigration reform to protect our values as we protect our borders.

This week, our Committees will be reporting out new legislation to address the urgent humanitarian situation at our southern border by providing for humane treatment of asylum-seekers and holding the Administration accountable for its failures. Hopefully, our House Republican colleagues will join us in supporting this critical legislation to help the children at the border.

Thank you for your leadership.(文章来源:美国之音)