
大洛杉磯地區的奧林匹亞愛樂青少年管絃樂團音樂會時間:星期六,2014年12月6日下午7:30;音樂會地點: Duarte Performing Arts Center/杜阿爾特表演藝術中心(1401 Highland Ave, Duarte, CA 91010。


Glinka Ruslan & Lyudmila Overture/格林卡 – 魯斯蘭柳德米拉序曲;Beethoven 1st Symphony in C Major/貝多芬交響曲第一C大調
B Rossette Tango/ B花環探戈
(Special Performance by Preteen Ballroom Dance Champion brother and sister couple – Nathaniel and Natalina Chen. 由國際標準舞少年組冠軍的陳家兄妹搭檔演出探戈)
Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite/柴可夫斯基胡桃夾子組曲
White Christmas/白色聖誕

奧林匹亞愛樂協會,加州501c3非盈利性組織,由專業音樂家於1988年在大洛杉磯地區成立。2000年成立華美青少年管絃樂團,目標是給年輕的音樂家在古典管弦樂,室內樂及獨奏音樂會的演出機會。奧林匹亞愛樂青少年管絃樂團指揮和音樂總監是加州州立大學洛杉磯分校教授何楓 Mr. Fung Ho。

何楓出身香港,在紐約曼哈頓音樂學院獲得小提琴演奏碩士學位,曾從師已故小提琴大師Carroll Glenn,後來到洛杉磯又與已故Noumi Fischer學習音樂教學和曲目研究。對音樂的熱愛讓他在大學期間棄醫從樂,他說正是這段經歷激勵他投身青少年音樂教育。除擔任奧林匹亞愛樂青少年管絃樂團(Olympia Youth Orchestra)的指揮和音樂總監,何楓還是洛杉磯縣高中藝術(LACHSA)弦樂團指揮和室內樂的教練。Olympia Youth Orchestra的甄選十分嚴格,無論新老團員,每年都必須經過重新考試才能加入樂團或繼續保持團員資格。


Nathaniel Chen陳彥浩 and Natalina Chen陳妤涵 are a brother and sister team from San Marino, California.  Nathaniel is 11 years old, a sixth grader at Huntington Middle School and Natalina is 8 years old, a third grader at Valentine Elementary School. 

Inspired by watching “Dancing With The Stars,” both Nathaniel and Natalina have been ballroom dancing for the past two and a half years.  In May 2012, they competed together for the first time, becoming finalists in their very first dance competition. Thereafter, Nathaniel and Natalina have competed in various competitions with their own dance partners within their own respective age categories.

In 2013, Natalina陳妤涵 and her partner won first place at the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships in the International Latin Pre-Teen 1 category. 

In 2013, Nathaniel陳彥浩 and his partner won first place in the dance category at the JUNIORS GOT TALENT! competition at The Pasadena Playhouse.

In addition to ballroom dancing, Nathaniel plays the violin, piano, clarinet and oboe.  Natalina plays the violin and piano. 

Both Nathaniel and Natalina compete in figure skating.  Last year, Nathaniel and Natalina together won first place in Spotlight at the Ice Skating Institute (ISI) World Recreation Team Championships and were invited to perform at the 2013 ISIA Education Foundation Benefit on Ice Show at Anaheim.  Nathaniel also won first place in the 2013 ISI World Recreation Competition Freestyle Silver Male Single Skater, and this year won first place in Boys Free Skate at the 51st Arrowhead Open Championships in Ontario.